Lane, Shoulder Closures for I-95 Construction in Maine

I-95 Traffic | I-95 Construction | Portland Maine | I-95 Exit Guide

Contractors working for the Maine Turnpike Authority have begun a roadside clearing project on the Turnpike (I-95) at Rand Road (Exit 47).

In this first phase of this work, the contractor, Comprehensive Land Technologies, Inc. of South China, Maine, plans to clearing vegetation from the easterly (northbound) side of the Turnpike and proceed northerly to Exit 48 (Riverside Street), and then move to the westerly (southbound) side of the Turnpike and work southerly back to Rand Road.

It is expected that this first phase of this I-95 construction work will take 2 to 3 weeks, depending on the weather. For this work to proceed safely for travelers and the workers, it will involve closing of shoulders and occasionally the right-hand travel lane. Accordingly, it has been scheduled in the winter to minimize impacts to travelers.
This clearing is a basic maintenance activity and is not part of any construction project. It is being done to enhance safety for Turnpike travelers in three ways.

  • It allows more sun to hit the road, which helps melt ice and snow quicker, thereby improving traction quicker and reducing the need for salt.
  • It allows drivers to more easily see large wildlife like deer and thus avoid collisions.
  • It can reduce the severity of crashes when a vehicle leaves the highway by removing trees that could cause a deadly collision.

This first phase is part of a 4-month, $178,000 I-95 construction contract to provide roadside clearing along the Turnpike mainline from Exit 47 to Exit 52, and along both sides of the Falmouth Spur to a point near I-295.

This I-95 construction work has been planned to minimize the impacts abutting homeowners as much as practical, consistent with the goal of achieving the safety benefits for travelers.

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The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.