Georgia DOT Holds Groundbreaking Ceremony for New I-95 Interchange Project

Georgia I-95 Construction | I-95 Exit Guide

The Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) held a ceremonial groundbreaking for a new interchange project on Interstate 95 at Belfast Keller Road in the City of Richmond Hill on October 24. The project is being sponsored by Bryan County and is needed to accommodate the expected growth in southern Bryan County.

Belfast Keller Road currently crosses I-95 via a two lane overpass bridge, but provides no access to the interstate.The I-95/Belfast Keller Road Interchange Project will construct a new overpass bridge over I-95 on Belfast Keller Road and roundabouts will be installed at the ramp intersections. The only work occurring along I-95 will be the construction of the bridge and the tie-ins of the new ramps for the interchange. The project is anticipated to improve access to I-95 during hurricane evacuations, emergency services and to support existing and future economic growth and development in the region.

The project is estimated to cost $18.8 million and the approximate length of the project is 0.5 mile along I-95 and 0.5 mile along Belfast Keller Road. Construction of the I-95/Belfast Keller Road interchange is anticipated to be complete in 2020.

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The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.