Southbound I-95 Travelers Must Stop at Checkpoint Before Entering Florida

Florida I-95 Checkpoint | I-95 Exit Guide

With the primary goal of keeping Floridians safe and to further the implementation of Executive Order 20-86, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), in coordination with the Florida Department of Health (DOH) and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), is implementing an additional checkpoint for motorists entering Florida from Georgia on I-95. No checkpoints within the state impede commerce or the timely delivery of products across Florida.

Effective immediately, motorists who are traveling from areas with substantial community spread including Louisiana, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, will be required to isolate for a period of 14 days upon entry to Florida or for the duration of their visit, whichever is shorter, and should be prepared for additional monitoring by DOH to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Executive Order 20-86 does not apply to persons performing military, emergency, health or infrastructure response, or persons involved in any commercial activity, including individuals that live in Georgia and commute to work in Florida.

Upon entry in Florida, each arriving traveler or responsible family member (if traveling as a family) will be required to complete a traveler form. The form requires key information, including each traveler’s contact information and trip details. Failure to complete the form and failure to follow any isolation or quarantine order from DOH are a violation of Florida law.

Additionally, travelers will be provided with a traveler card, which has contact information and guidance in the event the traveler exhibits symptoms while in isolation that are attributed to COVID-19, including fever, cough, or shortness of breath.

To assist with the implementation and enforcement of the Executive Order, FHP will staff the checkpoint at I-95 at the Georgia/Florida line 24 hours a day with more than a dozen troopers in 12-hour shifts.

FDOT’s top priority is safety; therefore, motorists who are approaching a checkpoint should be prepared to reduce their speed. Motorists should expect to be directed by law enforcement to enter the weigh station. Depending upon the motorist’s origin, they will be directed to either proceed back to the Interstate or to pull aside for further screening.

Commercial motor vehicles should proceed in the left lane and may bypass the checkpoint to ensure timely delivery of products across the state.

As part of the implementation, the I-95 southbound ramp to U.S. 17 will be closed. Motorists seeking to access U.S. 17 will be detoured to S.R. 200 in Yulee, Florida. For additional real-time traffic information, please refer to

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The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.