Expect Detours, Delays as I-95 Ramp Project in Philadelphia Begins

Pennsylvania I-95 Traffic | Pennsylvania I-95 Construction | Philadelphia Pennsylvania | I-95 Exit Guide

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced that construction will begin Wednesday, June 3, on the $93.6 million Interstate 95 Section BR2 project that will continue ramp reconstruction and improvements at the Betsy Ross Bridge Interchange in Philadelphia.

On Wednesday, June 3, and Thursday, June 4, from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM the following morning, single lane closures will be in place on northbound and southbound I-95 between the Bridge Street and Allegheny Avenue interchanges as crews set up work zone signs in the vicinity of the Betsy Ross Bridge Interchange.

Over the coming weeks, PennDOT’s contractor will complete the I-95 work zone set up and begin preparations for the start of ramp construction this summer to replace the following ramp structures:

  • Northbound I-95 to the Betsy Ross Bridge;
  • The Betsy Ross Bridge to southbound I-95;
  • The Betsy Ross Bridge to northbound I-95; and
  • Aramingo Avenue to southbound I-95.

No long-term lane closures are planned on I-95 for the BR2 project, but periodic off-peak lane restrictions will be in place for certain construction activities. In addition, three of the impacted ramps will be closed and detoured during various stages of the Section BR2 project beginning this summer.

PennDOT next week is starting an additional I-95 reconstruction project between Levick Street and Carver Street, at the northern half of the adjacent Bridge Street Interchange. Lane closures will be in place Monday, June 1, through Friday, June 5, from 8:00 PM to 5:00 AM the following morning on northbound and southbound Interstate 95 at the Bridge Street Interchange for activities to prepare a long-term traffic pattern with three lanes in each direction for reconstruction at the northern end of that interchange.

Section BR2, the second of five contracts to improve the interchange’s ramps and reconstruct mainline I-95 at the at the Betsy Ross Bridge Interchange, is expected take approximately two-and-a-half years to complete.

During BR2 construction, the ramp from the bridge to northbound I-95 and the ramp from Aramingo Avenue to southbound I-95 will be closed and detoured for approximately 10 months during the latter stages of the project. The ramp from the bridge to southbound I-95 will be closed for approximately 15 months in the middle of the project.

One lane on the ramp from northbound I-95 to the bridge will remain open while the structure over the Frankford Creek is replaced. The ramp from southbound I-95 to the bridge will be unaffected by construction and will remain open, along with access to and from the bridge from Richmond Street.

In 2023, construction is scheduled to begin on the ramps from the bridge and from Aramingo Avenue to northbound I-95 under the Section BR3 project, the final phase of ramp improvements at this interchange.

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