Massachusetts Completes Statewide Exit Renumbering System

Massachusetts Exit Numbering | I-95 Exit Guide

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has announced it has completed converting all exit numbers on I-95 and other freeways to a milepost-based numbering system, per Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requirements. I-95 in Massachusetts previously utilized a sequential exit numbering method.

MassDOT began this project on October 18, 2020, on Route 140 between Taunton and Freetown. MassDOT finished the Statewide Exit Renumbering Project in August, 2021, by completing the final corridor on I-395 between Auburn and Webster.

“I would like to thank the traveling public for their patience and understanding during this project,” said MassDOT Highway Administrator Jonathan Gulliver. “The completion of the conversion to mile-based exit numbers brings us into federal compliance and provides important information, like precise locations and an easily understandable calculation of driving distances, to First Responders and all other users of the roadway.”

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I-95 Exit Guide
The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.