Progress Being Made to Reopen I-95 as Crews Focus on Clearing and Treating Major Routes

I-95 remains closed, and drivers in the Fredericksburg area should continue to delay travel with severe road conditions on secondary routes, and dozens of roads closed for downed trees or utility lines

I-95 Winter Blizzard | I-95 Exit Guide

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) remain in emergency operations and are focused on clearing ice and snow from major routes in the Fredericksburg area, including Interstate 95.

Interstate 95 Update

Crews have made substantial progress since Tuesday morning directing travelers stopped on I-95 to the nearest possible interchange, allowing them to use alternate routes to access their destination.

To expedite clearance of the interstate, I-95 remains closed on:

  • I-95 northbound from Exit 104 (Carmel Church) in Caroline County through Exit 148 (Quantico Marine Corps Base) at the Stafford/Prince William line
  • I-95 southbound from Exit 152 (Dumfries) in Prince William County through Exit 136 (Centreport Parkway) in Stafford

Currently, crews are actively clearing traffic on I-95 northbound from exit 104 through exit 118 at multiple interchanges, and have cleared traffic from exit 118 (Thornburg) to exit 126 (Spotsylvania).

On I-95 southbound, crews have cleared most traffic on I-95 southbound from exit 150 to exit 133, and crews are removing the final disabled vehicles and tree debris in this segment.

As sections clear, I-95 is clearing ice and snow. Once the entire interstate is clear of vehicles, multiple plow trucks and motorgraders will make a sweep of the entire northbound and segment sections to ensure lanes are safe for travel before reopening.

When Interstate 95 has reopened for travel, VDOT will update 511Virginia, issue a news release, post to social media channels and VDOT’s website.

Motorists may experience residual delays on Route 1, Route 207 and Route 301 in the Fredericksburg area.

Primary and Secondary Roads

Today, snow removal efforts focused on improving conditions on primary routes and high-volume secondary routes. These routes carry heavy traffic or connect with critical public safety and emergency services.

The majority of the secondary routes and subdivision streets remain in severe condition, meaning snow-covered with little to no bare visible pavement showing.

Currently, there are more than 80 roads closed with either downed trees or utility lines across the Fredericksburg District.

Nearly 14 inches of snow fell in several areas of the Fredericksburg region Monday morning. Wet, heavy snow has lined tree branches, and crews continue to work to clear numerous downed trees from roads, and are working in partnership with utility providers as they clear downed lines from roadways.

VDOT will remain in emergency operations 24 hours a day until all state-maintained roads are safe for travel.

Due to a major power outage, traffic cameras on are out of service.

Many of the traffic signals in the Fredericksburg area are also completely dark or flashing with the loss of power in many areas.

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The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.