Reconstruction of I-95 Bridge in East Haven Begins April 1. Expect Delays

Connecticut I-95 Traffic | I-95 Construction in Connecticut | New Haven Connecticut | I-95 Exit Guide

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing the start of construction activities for the rehabilitation of Bridge 0952 carrying I-95 over Lake Saltonstall in East Haven beginning on April 1, 2021.

The project consists of rehabilitating the existing bridge and roadway over Lake Saltonstall. Improvements include bridge deck repair, joint replacement, and repaving both northbound and southbound lanes of I-95.

Beginning April 1, 2021, nighttime lane closures of traffic will be permitted on I-95 northbound and southbound between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

The project is scheduled to be completed on October 3, 2021.

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The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.