Gateway Landscape Project Begins on I-95 in Georgia

Georgia DOT Landscaping | I-95 Exit Guide

Contractors for the Georgia Department of Transportation have begun the gateway landscape project on Interstate 95 at Exit 1 interchange.

“The transformation of Exit 1 is nearing completion. We began with a two-year plan that sought to strike a balance of the intended safety and operational benefits with aesthetic appeal. The landscaping will feature our state tree, the Live Oak, which will create a gateway to our state to be enjoyed for years to come,” said Georgia DOT District Engineer Bradford W. Saxon.

The planting of Georgia native Live Oak, Red Maple, Serviceberry and Tupelo trees has begun. For the best result of healthy tree growth, planting must occur during the dormant season, which has now arrived. The contract completion date for tree planting is January 1, 2019.

The landscape design provides abundant clear zones for the safety of the traveling public while enhancing aesthetics at this gateway interchange. The ability to mow around the trees and access to maintain drainage structures will create beautiful, manicured scenery for visitors and Georgia citizens to enjoy.

The Georgia Department of Transportation vegetation management program began safety enhancements along portions of Interstate 95 in the fall of 2017. To date, these safety projects have changed the landscape of 67 miles along the 112 mile-long corridor of Interstate 95.

The transformation from previously dense overgrowth of trees and vegetation will transition into blankets of grassy meadows, which improves motorists’ safety with large clear zones for errant vehicles and during inclement weather events. In addition, a median cable barrier has been installed in McIntosh County and will be coming to Glynn and Camden Counties.

These projects reinforces Georgia DOT’s goal of improving safety first and foremost, but also establishing a clean, green and well-maintained roadway.

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