Georgia I-95 Interchange Project Hits Milestone With Ramp Openings, Detours

Georgia I-95 Construction | I-95 Exit Guide

In conjunction with the $19 million new Interstate 95 interchange project in Bryan County, Belfast Keller Road interchange bridge over I-95 is scheduled to close and the interstate on-ramps will open to traffic on Thursday, January 9, weather permitting. The previously announced time frame couldn’t be met due to traffic control measure finalization requirements.

R.B. Barker Construction will close the current Belfast Keller Road bridge over I-95 and install a detour that will remain in place for replacement of the current bridge which should be completed in the 4th quarter of 2020. Detour routes will be signed via US 17, State Route 144 and Belfast River Road. All motorists are encouraged to be alert to the signage and to moderate their speeds through the detour.

The interchange on-ramps opening will allow Belfast Keller Road traffic to travel the newly constructed ramps to merge onto I-95 traffic. Vehicles on the east side of the interstate interchange will be able to enter northbound and traffic on the west side will be able to enter southbound.

Georgia DOT fast tracked the completion of these on-ramps to relieve some congestion in this area and expedite hurricane evacuation, if needed. Motorists can not access Belfast Keller Road from I-95 due to construction of the interchange roundabouts and bridge construction.

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I-95 Exit Guide
The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.