I-95 Construction Begins at Exit 130 in Fredericksburg

I-95 Traffic | I-95 Construction | Fredericksburg Virginia | I-95 Exit Guide

I-95 construction has begun to improve safety at the Exit 130 interchange in the city of Fredericksburg.

Motorists should be alert for construction workers, equipment, concrete barriers and orange barrels over the next 18 months.

After reviewing the I-95 corridor, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) determined the Route 3 interchange in Fredericksburg had a crash rate above the statewide average. This project will reduce vehicle merging and weaving that can lead to crashes, injuries and congestion on Route 3 and I-95. These improvements are designed to lower the crash risk by eliminating conflict points where vehicles currently merge.

Motorists should be prepared for lane closures, construction activity, and temporary traffic shifts on Route 3 and I-95 at Exit 130 through January 2019.

Travel lanes will remain open at peak times on weekday mornings and afternoons, but midday and overnight lane closures will be needed periodically throughout the project.

For more I-95 construction info, visit  www.i95exitguide.com, the Internet’s largest and most complete website devoted to I-95, America’s Interstate Main Street. Detailed exit service listings… discount lodging, camping, food, gas and more for every exit from Maine to Florida! Plus I-95 construction, real-time traffic and road news.

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The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.