Massachusetts DOT Suspends Construction for Memorial Day Travelers

I-95 Construction | Waltham Massachusetts | I-95 Exit Guide

Per long-standing policy, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation will be shutting down scheduled roadway construction activities on Friday, May 24, at 5:00 a.m. Scheduled road work will then resume at the start of business on Tuesday, May 28.

Free coffee will be served at 18 MassDOT service plazas beginning at 10:00 p.m., Monday, May 27, and continuing through 5:00 a.m., Tuesday, May 28.

During the Memorial Day weekend, the MassDOT Highway Assistance Program, sponsored by MAPFRE Insurance, will have extra patrols on the state’s roads. Personnel in the MAPFRE vans assist motorists by fixing minor mechanical problems, repairing flat tires, providing gasoline if needed, and performing other tasks. The van drivers will be monitoring major roads, including those in Metro Boston, Worcester, and Springfield, and on Cape Cod.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation wishes all members of the public a safe and enjoyable holiday.

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