Expect I-95 Exit 55 Multi-Month Ramp Closures in Connecticut Beginning Monday, April 6

I-95 Traffic | I-95 Connecticut | Road Closed | I-95 Exit Guide

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing the start of construction activities for the rehabilitation of Bridge 00196 carrying I-95 over Route 1 in Branford. To facilitate the required work, a closure and detour of the I-95 northbound and southbound Exit 55 on and off-ramps will be in place beginning on Monday, April 6, 2020, until approximately August 1, 2020.

The project consists of the partial replacement of Bridge 00196 over US Route 1 utilizing Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) techniques. The project also includes the realignment of Route 1 as well as the relocation of utilities.

Travel lanes on I-95 in the vicinity of the bridge will be reduced in width, and roadway shoulders will be minimized to maintain two travel lanes in each direction. Motorists should anticipate lane closures on I-95 northbound and southbound and on Route 1, Monday through Sunday, between the hours of 8 PM and 6 AM.


Exit 55 northbound and southbound off-ramps:

  • Exit 55 NB off-ramp – use Exit 56, at the end of the ramp turn left onto Leetes Island Road. Follow Leetes Island Road and turn left onto Route 1. Follow Route 1 to Exit 55.
  • Exit 55 SB off -ramp – use Exit 54, at the end of the ramp turn left onto Cedar Street. Continue on Cedar Street and turn left onto Route 1. Follow Route 1 to Exit 55.

Exit 55 northbound and southbound on-ramps:

  • Exit 55 NB on-ramp – use Route 1 to Leetes Island Road. Turn right onto Leetes Island Road and follow to the Exit 56 NB on-ramp.
  • Exit 55 SB on-ramp – use Route 1 to Leetes Island Road. Turn right onto Leetes Island Road and follow to the Exit 56 SB on-ramp.

Motorists are requested to remain aware and to utilize caution in the work zone area.

The Project is scheduled to be completed October 2, 2020.

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