Lane Closures, Traffic Detours for Bridge Work on I-95 in Rhode Island

I-95 Traffic | Rhode Island I-95 Construction | I-95 Exit Guide

On Thursday, May 28 at 7:00 p.m. the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) will start an eight-day replacement of the Centerville Road and Toll Gate Road Bridges on I-95 northbound in Warwick. The cost of this project is $25.3 million.

Traffic going both north and southbound on I-95 at these bridges will be shifted onto the paved median between both bridges which are within a short distance of one another. This is the temporary road that travelers have seen being built for the past year on I-95.

Travel lanes on this temporary road will be reduced from four to three for the duration of the bridge replacement work. Both bridges are listed in fair condition which is one step from structurally deficient.

The Centerville Road bridge carries I-95 over Centerville Road (Route 117) between exits 10 and 11. Toll Gate Road Bridge carries I-95 over Toll Gate Road (Route 115). These two bridges accommodate 174,000 vehicles daily.

Centerville Road Bridge, a two-span bridge, will be worked on first. Traffic during this construction will shift according to which bridge span is being worked on. During construction on the Toll Gate Road Bridge, traffic on Toll Gate Road will be detoured to Centerville Road and Commonwealth Avenue. Either Toll Gate Road or Centerville Road will be open to traffic at all times during construction.

Travelers should follow the detour signs and expect limited ramp closures.

All construction projects are subject to change based on weather, change in scope or unforeseen circumstances.

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