Maryland DOT Breaks Ground On New I-95/Belvidere Interchange In Cecil County

Major Improvements Support Local and Regional Communities, Reduce Commercial Traffic on Local Roads.

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Governor Larry Hogan today joined Maryland Transportation Secretary and Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Chairman James F. Ports Jr., and MDTA Executive Director Will Pines at the groundbreaking for a new, nearly $85 million interchange at I-95 and Belvidere Road in Cecil County. The new interchange will provide access to and from Belvidere Road, reduce commercial traffic on local roads, enhance safety and promote economic benefits for the regional community.

“We are excited to be breaking ground on Cecil County’s number one transportation priority: a brand new interchange at I-95 and Belvidere Road,” said Governor Hogan. “Project design and utility work is wrapping up, making way for major construction this winter, and we expect this new interchange to open for traffic in the fall of 2025. I want to thank the Maryland Transportation Authority, our partners in Cecil County, along with Stewart Properties, and all of our contractors, and everyone who has been involved in making this game-changing project a reality. This truly is one more way that, together, we are changing Maryland for the better.”

The governor continues to travel the state to open and advance major transportation projects. In recent months, he has opened the expanded MD-32 in Howard County, and the new Nice-Middleton Bridge in Charles County, and announced the next phase for a new Chesapeake Bay Crossing in Queen Anne County, as well as improvements to MD-90 in Ocean City to fulfill the long-term “Reach The Beach” plan.

The interchange project will replace the existing two-lane overpass bridge on Belvidere Road with a wider structure featuring additional lanes and shoulders to accommodate the new interchange. Ramps in a partial cloverleaf pattern will provide access to and from Belvidere Road and northbound and southbound I-95. Work includes improvements to Belvidere Road to accommodate the interchange and larger bridge structure. The exit number for the new I-95 interchange will be Exit 95. The project is a partnership between the MDTA, Cecil County, and Stewart Property Management Inc., in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

“This new interchange will enhance safety along the Belvidere Road corridor while expanding regional transportation access from I-95 to Cecil County warehouses, distribution centers, freight hubs and other business sites,” said MDTA Chairman and Transportation Secretary Ports. “It’s another example of Governor Hogan and MDOT working in partnership with local jurisdictions and the private sector to expand opportunity and improve the quality of life for residents.”

Final design of the interchange is progressing to completion, which will lead into grading and utility relocation activities this winter. The interchange is anticipated to open to traffic in fall 2025.

Belvidere Road will remain open throughout construction with temporary off-peak lane closures for major operations.

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