Massachusetts DOT Issues Winter Travel Advisory

Winter Driving | I-95 Exit Guide

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is advising the public to be aware of the National Weather Service forecast of snow late this afternoon through early tonight in higher elevations.

“Everyone traveling should monitor the forecast and expect to travel at slower speeds when the precipitation is falling,” said MassDOT Highway Administrator Jonathan Gulliver. “We advise people to keep a safe distance behind other vehicles and allow plenty of room to safely slow down.”

MassDOT’s snow and ice operations will be deployed throughout the Commonwealth as conditions necessitate. Highway Districts always conduct preparation activities in advance of new weather systems and are able to pretreat roadways with brine and Magnesium Chloride when necessary. In the most severe storms, MassDOT’s Highway Division is able to utilize up to 700 personnel to perform snow and ice removal operations on more than 15,000 lane miles of roadway throughout the Commonwealth.

Anyone considering driving is advised, because of the forecast and also because of the State of Emergency in Massachusetts, to reconsider travel plans. Members of the public are strongly being urged to only make essential trips and practice social-distancing to limit the spread of COVID-19 in an effort to protect themselves, their loved ones and other people they would come in contact with.

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