Massachusetts DOT Suspends Construction for Thanksgiving Holiday

I-95 Traffic | I-95 Construction | Boston South Massachusetts | I-95 Exit Guide

The Massachusetts DOT is taking several steps to ensure safe and reliable travel for all citizens who utilize transportation systems across the Commonwealth and will be shutting down scheduled roadway construction for the Thanksgiving travel period effective at 5 a.m., on Wednesday, November 23, per MassDOT’s long-standing policy. Travel conditions will also be evaluated on Tuesday, November 22, and MassDOT will make adjustments to any ongoing construction activities as necessary.

In keeping with the annual Day of Remembrance for deadly crash victims on November 20, MassDOT strongly urges all drivers to minimize distractions by turning off or putting away cellphones, traveling the posted speed limit, staying sober and having a designated driver, and devoting their full attention to what is ahead on the road. MassDOT encourages travelers to make an extra effort to be courteous on the roads and report to law enforcement any reckless driving.

Free coffee will be served at 18 MassDOT Service Plazas on Thursday, November 24, from 10 p.m., to 5 a.m., on Friday, November 25.

Drivers are reminded to avoid littering on roadways. Violators are subject to a fine of up to $5,500 for the first offense.

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The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.