North Carolina Quick Pass Transponders Now Accepted in All 19 E-ZPass States

NC Quick-Pass | E-ZPass | I-95 Exit Guide
NC Quick-Pass | E-ZPass | I-95 Exit Guide

All North Carolina Quick Pass customers with a transponder can now effortlessly pay tolls anywhere E-ZPass is accepted. E-ZPass now accepts out-of-state sticker transponders to pay tolls on their systems.

Previously, North Carolina Quick Pass customers using the free NC Quick Pass Sticker transponder could only pay tolls in North Carolina, Georgia and Florida. As a result of this technology upgrade by E-ZPass, North Carolina Quick Pass customers can now travel in 19 states with their free NC Quick Pass Sticker transponder.

The sticker transponder cannot be used to travel HOV out of state. Customers can use the NC Quick Pass Flex transponder for HOV travel in E-ZPass states with applicable HOV options. As a reminder, customers need to keep their NC Quick Pass account information up to date including their license plate, address and payment method.

The I-95 Exit Guide is the Internet’s largest and most complete website dedicated to Interstate 95 travelers. Find detailed exit service listings… lodging, camping, food, gas and more for every exit from Maine to Florida!

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I-95 Exit Guide
The I-95 Exit Information Guide is one of the most popular travel destinations on the Internet. This website features detailed listings for exit services all along Interstate 95, from Maine to Florida.