Saturday, February 8, 2025
HomeTopic SearchNorth Carolina

TOPIC SEARCH: North Carolina

Great Overnight Stop: Wilson, NC (I-95, Exit 121)

Traveling from the New York Metro Area or Southern New England to Northern or Central Florida and need a halfway point? Wilson, North Carolina makes a great overnight stop!

Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina

Roanoke Rapids is filled with flavor! Located in the heart of North Carolina, Roanoke Rapids is "the city" that anchors an area of 76,000 people.

North Carolina I-95 Project to Double Capacity in Final Stages

North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) contractors are in the final stages of a multi-year construction effort aimed at doubling the traffic capacity on...

I-95 Travelers 10 Most Popular Hotels

Sometimes it can be tough to find a nice hotel while traveling Interstate 95.  You can do a little research before your trip, or...

Tropical Storm Idalia May Strengthen to a Major Hurricane Before Hitting Florida

Tropical Storm Idalia is anticipated to become a significant threat to Florida this week, as weather experts say the storm may rapidly strengthen to...

Summary of North Carolina’s Massive I-95 Corridor Improvement Projects

The 182-mile stretch of I-95 in North Carolina was built between 1956 and 1980 as a four-lane interstate highway. Over the years, there were...

Bridge Over I-95 Damaged, Closed in North Carolina

The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) closed the Pope Road bridge over Interstate 95 in Dunn after it was struck by an overheight...

North Carolina I-95 Rest Areas to Close for Several Months for Renovation Work

The pair of rest areas along I-95 in Johnston County will be renovated under a $1.4 million contract awarded by the North Carolina Department...

Ramp Closures Will Detour I-95 Traffic in Cumberland County

The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) reports that I-95 traffic will encounter ramp closures associated with the widening of Interstate 95 around the Cumberland-Robeson...

Explore the Parks, Trails and Rivers of Goldsboro, North Carolina

Halfway between Raleigh and the Atlantic coast, Goldsboro, North Carolina, sits on the banks of the Neuse River and is the centerpiece of Wayne County,...
